Dancing in Santa Barbara
Carrillo Recreation Center
The Carrillo Recreation Center was built in 1914 and was one of the few buildings downtown still standing after the 1925 earthquake. The Carrillo Ballroom has a unique type of spring-loaded mechanism, allowing the floor to ‘give’ under every step. A dancer’s dream! This Santa Barbara jewel continues to provide all types of dancing almost 7 days a week.
A comprehensive listing of classes offered at the Carrillo Recreation Center may be found at the city’s recreation website at http://www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/parksrec/recreation/adults/default.asp
The Swing Dances have provided thousands of dancers with an amazing evening of dancing for over 30 years. And it's as popular as ever. Every week some of the finest bands play for dancers. Some bands expect to be watched, our bands relish in the energy of the dancers. It's a win-win sort of thing. Many people come as singles, making the dances a perfect way to meet new friends.
Plus you can be guaranteed to meet new folks if you attend either the beginning or intermediate Swing Dance lesson at 7:30p before the dance.
If you've never done this dance, don't worry. In a short time, you can learn the basics and begin your possible journey with Swing dancing. Or at least have fun for the evening.
No partner is needed. No special dress or attire.
If you've questions email [email protected]
For information regarding renting the facility OR other classes,
call Jason Bryan at 805-897-2519 or email jbryan