Private lessons and Parties
Private lessons really are the best way to learn and learn quickly.
If you need assistance for that first wedding dance, We have the knowledge and experience to make you feel comfortable and look fabulous. Here's what one satisfied client said about his wedding's first dance, "Rachel and I tied the knot a few weeks ago and just received our wedding pictures. We wanted to share a few with you and express our appreciation for the help you gave us! It was great getting to work with you - we had a bunch of fun dancing for and with our guests."
How many lessons will you need? It varies from one couple to the next. There's no way of knowing until after the first lesson.
No contracts are offered. Simply pay as you go.
Contact Sylvia Sykes at 805-895-2895 for private lesson pricing and additional information
For information regarding renting the facility OR other classes,
call Jason Bryan at 805-897-2519 or email jbryan